Winds of change!

Last night I got to do something I thought I may never do again! I put fuel in my car and drove my girlfriend to the shops!!

The sense of relief of taking back my independence is simply indescribable! As my own personal story is complete though, the stories of discrimination and of “punishment” handed to the disabled continues.

I am under no disillusion that I am very lucky! This government has to be held to account and thrown from power. We all, disabled or not, need to voice our disgust at what they are doing and “Brexit” is only going to hurt the economy which in turn will push the poor and infirm into abject poverty, for those that are not there already.

I don’t mean to be all doom and gloom but it’s very hard to see this in any other way. This is a cull! Not just of independence through disability benefits, but it feels to me, a cull of the actual disabled!

I don’t know how, but now I’m mobile again I need to figure out how to help fight against this. Answers on a postcard please 🙂

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I was diagnosed with Relapsing/Remitting MS in 2004 when I was 20. I originally started this page document my progress using Oxygen Therapy but now the new PIP has started to replace DLA and I, like so many others, have been told i am no longer eligible to receive a Motability Car and so I am fighting against the DWP to explain exactly why they are wrong.

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